Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Success Is In 3D

That's right, 3D it is. But this is not the kind of 3D that you need some silly glasses for. This is the 3D's I am talking about...Desire...Decision...Determination. Just like the 3D that uses the silly glasses to make things seem closer to you and more defined and ultimately more REAL, these 3D's (Desire, Decision and Determination) will do exactly the same thing, only for your business or venture.

One thing that all successful people (not just in business but in anything that someone has accomplished) have in common is they didn't "TRY" to do it. They had a DESIRE to do it, they DECIDED to get it done and they were DETERMINED to complete it at any cost. The amazing thing about having really acquired these 3D's is once they are instilled in you, nothing can stop you. I was once told a story by an acquaintance of how he was in jail in Texas and for some reason they released him on short and unannounced notice. He told me he needed to get to NC but he had no one to call, no money and he didn't even have any shoes. Surprisingly he got there. How does somebody with no money, no shoes and no one to call on make it 1000 miles across the country? DESIRE,
DECISION and DETERMINATION. One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the "Scottish Himalayan Expedition" and in it is says...

"that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one's favour all manner
of unforeseen incidents and meetings
and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamt
would come his way."

This is a lesson that changed my life forever. I have seen it over and over and over again. When someone "TRIES" to do something, very seldom does it ever pan out. But when someone DESIRES to do something., they DECIDE to do something and they are DETERMINED to do something, it almost ALWAYS comes to be true. I can't tell you how to get to that point of no return. That point where there are no other options. Actually it's been my experience that it is usually some unforeseen turn of events that happens in someone's life that usually puts them there. Some day of disgust where they have just had enough and BOOM! you are off to the races focused only on the finish line and knocking everything and anybody that may deter you out of the way.

So if you are not happy doing what you are doing or if there is something out there in the world that you want to conquer, you really have two choices. You can choose to instill the 3D's in you now and go for it (you can't "TRY" it) or you can wait until something happens to instill them for you. Either way, your going to end up getting it done once you have obtained the DESIRE, DECISION and DETERMINATION because that's what it takes to have true success.

Stay Focused and Feel Good!

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