Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Want It Yesterday!

There is nothing like immediate gratification. To decide that you want something and for that to immediately come to fruition. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) for the greatest things in life, that typically is not the way it works and most of the time, if the truth be told, we really don't want it "NOW" anyways. I've always said..."Be Careful What You Wish For".

I think as a Society, we have really gotten spoiled with immediate gratification. Fast food is no longer fast enough. We stand in front of the microwave waiting for our food to hurry up and get done (the same food that would have taken 10 times as long to prepare before the microwave was invented) and a plethora of other things that we can IMMEDIATELY call on for ourselves. Now, I understand that anytime you can speed up a process and make it more efficient, there is a lot of opportunity there from a business point of view but really, haven't we created our own "RAT RACE" today. To many times, people don't slow down to realize what life has to offer until something tragic happens and makes them. Sad but true.

What happened to all the old values we were taught? "Patience is a virtue". "Good things come to those who wait". "Slow and steady wins the race". "Stop and smell the roses". Do they even apply anymore or are they just old news that have no value in today's Society? For what it's worth, I believe they carry a lot more weight than many of us want to admit.

There is nothing more fulfilling than working toward something to accomplish it. Where is the sense of accomplishment in immediate gratification? It's convenient, yes, but fulfilling and I mean REALLY fulfilling? Not so much. There is no warm fuzzy feeling that comes over you when you hit a drive through and bring it home like there is when you prepare that meal for yourself or someone you love. You know the feeling. The one that says..."I DID THAT!". What's the lessons we are teaching our children with immediate gratification? Will they grow up without ever knowing the values of hard work and patience? Could you imagine what our world would be like if nobody worked hard or put in the time to accomplish something? What's the hurry anyways? None of us are getting out of this life alive. The day we were born started the clock ticking to the day we die. From start to finish, shouldn't we actually take some time to ACCOMPLISH something in the middle? I think so but I also think we are in such a rush, we lose track of time, purpose and the ultimate goal. Goal? What Goal? Hmmm? There's a slew of great questions. What is your Life Goal? Do you have one? Are the Life's Activities that you follow and commit to everyday in line with and reflect that ULTIMATE Goal? Those are deep questions we should all take a minute to ponder.

I understand that we will never get rid of, nor should we want to get rid of, the things that make our lives simpler. The fact is, these immediate gratifications can actually provide us more time to enjoy the things life does have to offer. All I am saying is, they should be a PART of our lives, not the WAY of our lives.

Figure out what you want to accomplish. Set it as your GOAL. Develop a PLAN to achieve that GOAL. Begin the execution of that PLAN and give yourself the TIME to complete it. Reward yourself with the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT. We have all gotten some type of Trophy or Award in our life and we remember how that made us feel. Well, we don't have to wait for someone or somebody else to reward us, we can reward ourselves as many times and as often as we like by simply accomplishing in this life. And that's Noble on your part because the more you accomplish, the more hope, belief and confidence it gives someone else that they can accomplish to.

Stay Focused and Feel Good!

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