Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kicking The Fag

OK! So after almost 25 years of smoking cigarettes I have DECIDED it's time to quit. I should have decided to a long time ago but whatever, the time is now! I thought by blogging about it and publicly declaring it for everyone to see, it would help me tough it out. It's only been like one day but the first day had to happen sometime.

How am I going to do it? I asked myself that question several times already. It's not like I haven't "TRIED" before. Well there is the first difference. I am going to implement and abide by the same philosophies I have learned, and today teach, in business. So philosophy number one is..."To TRY is to fail with honor" or as the Master Yoda from Star Wars would say..."Do or do not, there is no try". So this time I am not going to "TRY" to stop smoking, I WILL NOT SMOKE ANYMORE!

To accomplish anything, you need a plan. I understand that the plan you start with is not the plan that will get you there but you have to have a plan to start. So, what's my plan? Well, it's Cold Turkey. I have seen lots of people go gradual and I have seen some just stop. I choose to just stop. I realize this will probably be harder in the beginning but I think it will pass quicker than dragging it out gradually. I also, have equipped myself with "THE GUM", lol. I feel like this is going to be a battle and in any battle, you better have some weapons if you plan to win or even just survive. I am treating my gum like heavy artillery. It's there just in case but I am not going to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. I am also using affirmations. Affirming to myself how much better off I am and everyone around me is with cigarettes no longer being a part of my life. These affirmations are tricky to because, I have to be sure to focus on what I want and not what I don't want. For example, If I say..."I am a non smoker", that still focuses on smoking, so I have to say something like..."I only allow fresh and clean air in to my body". Lastly, I am looking for something to occupy my habit of having something in my hands. I think for me, and maybe others as well, the habit of having that cigarette in your hand is as big a part of the problem as the nicotine its self. I haven't quite figured out what I am going to do to replace that activity but I am testing several theories and paying close attention to what seems to work best. I will let you know what I end up doing as this objective comes to fruition.

Well, there you have it. The Decision is made, the Philosophies to support that Decision are in place and the Plan is put together and the Execution of that plan has begun. I am in control of myself. I am in control of what I do and I am responsible for my own actions. Bring on the cravings and addictions and let me show you who the real boss is.

Stay Focused & Feel Good!


  1. Hopefully by THE GUM you mean regular old chewing gum. Nicotine gum just kept me addicted.
    I have quit several times and none stuck longer than 3 yrs until Chantix. There is no nicotine in this product at all.
    The best favor you can do your body is to go see your Dr. and get this pill. All the anxiety and stress melts away and before you know you wont remember you like smoking. There is no hand to mouth fixation. There is one funky side affect vivid dreams. They can be pretty exciting or very strange.
    Wendy Sea

  2. Wow, I am so glad you are doing that.. Just be reading what you wrote made me want to stop honestly.. I think about it alot an know that I want to watch my princess grow and be able to talk to her normal an not through a machine or hacking everywhere. I always say I will do it and thats about as far as it goes.. Talking about it.. Please let me know what you do to stop it.. I think we all smoke more out of boredom. We can sit on a plane for hours an not think about it but if we are just hanging at the house then we want one all the time.. My grandfather wuit drinking an smoking at the same time, had DT's an withdrawals an said that was nothing compared to the NO CIG.. So I can imagine. Please let me know though.. And I wish you the best of luck.. it Alexis

  3. Yay for you! Congrats on your decision and determination - woo - hoo!

    Big hugs from me.

    Beth M

    PS. Acupuncture can really help support this decision as well...

  4. Congratulations my friend! As we both know nothing happens until you Decide! And as you also know the word "decide" means the death of all indecision, so congrats on your decision!
