Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away. Really?

Well it's another rainy day here in NC. We have really been getting it this year. I feel like I moved to Seattle. lol. On days like this, it's easy to wish for more sunshine and warmer temperatures. I see people posting things like that in their Status Updates and making those kind of comments at the grocery store, but is that what we really want? I know rain may put a DAMPER on things we all have planned but plans change all the time.

On days like today, I can't help but think of a poem I wrote nearly two years ago. It's probably the first and only poem I have ever written. I am no poet by any means, but this one came out pretty good and it's helped me through a lot of "RAINY DAYS" in my life, so I thought I would share it with all of you. I titled it "THE STORM" Enjoy!

The glowing of the sun
Warms us to the core
It provides the brightness
That allows all life to soar

The existing life we know
Of all the different types
Loves the days the sun can shine
Upon our stars and stripes

Then one day the clouds roll in
A dark and gloomy sky
Anticipations of the day
You stop and wonder...Why?

As the rains begin to fall
We see our plans must change
Some see the day as ruined
I see now that's just strange

The clouds provide protection
To much of anything is bad
Look to find the good in things
Even things that make us sad

The rains are a necessity
A must for all things living
Broaden our vision to receive
The gifts that life is giving

Guarantees? There are a few
One is there's an end
No matter how bad the storm


I hope this helps somebody look at things just a little different. I learned many years ago, that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. Be thankful for everything life gives you. There is a reason for all of it.

Stay Focused and Feel Good!

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know you were a poet! love the blogs!!- Lisa
