Friday, August 13, 2010

We Are In It To Win It!!!

Well as many of you know, we are vying to win the Logitech contest for the NYC Host With The Most position and we are consistently in the top 3. Not bad. We have gotten some attention along the way as well.

First, we were contacted by to do an online interview, which we did, and it came out pretty good I think, you can read it here
(Please leave comments at the above link)

Second, to my surprise, Logitech sent out a short Blog yesterday entitled "Future Logitech Hosts With The Most" and because of the hard work and voting efforts of a lot of people, we were featured as a contender for The Host With The Most for NYC. You can see it here.
(Please leave comments at the above link)

We have also set up a Group on FaceBook that is now a few hundred strong and we are using this to keep everyone up to date on where we are and what we are doing. You can also find some cool pics of the NYC Loft that parties will be held in, links to different articles and promotions as well as several Video Blogs I have done since the contest started. It is important to grow this group as big as possible so when we win it, we will have a way to communicate with everyone and send invitations to everyone to join us in NYC for the parties. So continue to invite people to join the Group so they will get the invitation once we win. Join it here!/group.php?gid=141555925874385

Last but not least, even though we are doing well int he contest, 3rd place or higher, the challenge is that the person int he #1 position is for the NYC gig, so we will ultimately have to be #1 overall, better than any other group of people voting out there, to win this. It is really a simple process to make that happen but we have to be able to depend on all of us to make it work. All we need to so is Vote Daily (every 24 hours you can vote) and 3 to 5 times a day Repost the voting page on your wall (there is a SHARE button on the voting page)  with a message asking your FB friends to vote Daily and repost asking there friends to do the same thing and leave comments anywhere you possibly can so Logitech can see the support and will of this group of people. Believe me they are watching. All this is very simple to do but it is also very simple not to do. The reality is though, the only way we will win it is if we DO this. Here is the Voting and Sharing page.

So with only 12 days left to vote, I ask, invite, encourage and hope you will stand strong with us, follow the system we have laid out and together we will prevail!

We thank you all for your help and support with this venture a we look forward to inviting you all to NYC!

Stay Focused & Feel Good!


  1. Bill, no worries mate, our group will blow past all others! With you 100%. Its your time!

  2. Bill, you're doing a GREAT job my friend! I'm behind you 110%! We will win this!

  3. you are one of the greatest speakers i have ever known! you also is one of the best people i could have ever meet!you are a greta business partner and im pulling for you all the way!!!!
