Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's A Different Day

UPDATE: So we did it. We made the Final 9. Great work and Thanks to everyone. Whats next and what can you continue to do to help? Well the next step is for me to make you all PROUD as I go through the interview process with Logitech. Don't worry, I WILL make you proud. What you can do to help in the mean time, is go post your comments letting Logitech know WHY Bill Guyther. The more comments the better. Comment Here:  I will keep you posted on how we are coming. Follow this Blog for Future Updates.

So the voting part of the Logitech Host With The Most contest has ended and now we just wait and see if we made the Final 9. They are supposed to announce it today, August 25th, sometime. So, once again, thank you to all of you that got behind it and supported it. Anyways, that's not even what this Blog is about.

I wanted to share my feelings on what happened for me and what I saw throughout this contest. I knew it was going to be fun from the beginning but I had no idea what was really about to happen. I entered the contest, in the beginning, just because I thought it would be something cool to do in my life and I thought I was a good candidate. It wasn't for several days after I entered and had began promoting it, that I found out that it was a paid gig. So it wasn't at all for the money. As we got a few weeks in to it, I started to see something, something that I can only describe as MAGICAL, begin to happen. People began to get passionate about it. A buzz started to get around and the DESIRE to MAKE IT HAPPEN set in for many, many people. My "WHY" or reason that I wanted it to come to fruition changed. It quickly became because I wanted to deliver the feeling of strength and great accomplishment to those that were working to make it happen. I didn't want to let anyone down. This drove me to work that much harder.

As excited as I was and as amazed as I was to see this happening, what happened the final night of voting left me in aw. As we came in to the final 5 hours of voting, I saw people reach deep down inside themselves and DECIDE TO WIN! It was unbelievable! The postings started and about every minute a new post about the contest, asking people to help, was up and then the messages were going out from individual to individual asking for the same and soon after, we moved in to the #5 spot over all and the #3 spot for the NYC gig. I made sure to let as many people know that as possible. As it started getting later, past Midnight EST, people started signing off and going to bed as normal but many were still promoting like crazy. Around 1am est, we got bumped back to the 4th place spot for NYC. Even after some had said they were calling it a night, when they found this out, they not only answered to call for help but charged to the front line with the attitude to kill or be killed. Wow! Then the IM's started. To heck with all the posting and asking for help, people were going directly to their FB friends that were currently online and asking for their vote and sending them the link in an IM. Even though this is what I had started doing, and I even posted that as an idea, people were way ahead of me. They were already on it and many of them continued to stay on it, fighting to make it happen right up until the 3am deadline. I don't know how many total votes we accumulated in that last 2 hours, but it was a bunch. The end result was, we moved back up in to the #3 spot for NYC and stayed there until it was over.

Here's what I want to share with everybody about this whole thing. Many of the people that sacrificed their time, sleep and maybe even a few FB friends (lol), and went after it with us, were people I don't even personally know. Some of them I have never met or talked to or even chatted with on FB but they were a BIG part of the beating heart that was created through this. The funny thing is that a lot of our "REAL FRIENDS" didn't even take the time to cast one vote throughout the entire contest. I think Jim Rohn would say..."Isn't that interesting". So today is A DIFFERENT DAY in that technology can now allow us to strengthen something that is already strong. The Human Will. People always have and always will want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. A Movement where they can make a difference and today, with technology, it becomes easier to to find that thing or things that help us have a feeling of purpose and fulfillment and the thing that was CONFIRMED to me once again was, people are still GOOD. I have always loved and believed in people, even if sometimes they did things to make me doubt my belief in them, and now I know that is the correct way of thinking. I am so glad we did this and I am PROUD to call myself a friend of the people and please consider yourself a friend of mine. Thank you all for this experience. Until the next adventure!

 Stay Focused & Feel Good!


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