Friday, October 14, 2011

It's Like Craigslist But It's Like Facebook Too.

Yea I know, there are literally BILLIONS of sites on the internet and one more really seems crazy these days but this is one that I had to talk about.

It's called One Man's Junk (I bet you know the rest of that saying. lol) or more commonly referred to as OMJ! So why am I taking the time to write about it? It's different. If you could imagine a Craigslist like site and a Facebook like site, combined, that's what One Man's Junk is like. They call it Social Selling (sounds good anyways. ;))

You join the site for free, create a profile, add friends and
update statuses just like you do on Facebook but the whole site is about buying and selling. There is a Classified section similar to Craigslist (but better I think) that people post items in and when they do, it generates a post in the Main thread for all to see and you can SHARE your posts to sites like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and more. Pretty nifty.

One thing cool about the site is, by default, you can search the entire site (unlike Craigslist that makes you search only 1 area at a time) but you can also use the Advanced Search to find Local items. There is also an Instant Message feature. So if you are online and friends with some that posted something you like and they are online too, you can IM them and maybe score yourself a deal in real time. They have Games too (which I like), a way to rate other members (sending gifts) and for the safety of their members, they have what they call a Verified member. This is someone that they have done a background check on and if all is clear, they get a banner on their profile pic saying they are Verified. That is optional and only costs like $12 a year. Oh, and I heard through the grapevine that they are working on an Auction section. If they implemented that, it would be like Facebook, Craigslist and Ebay all on one site.  Hmmm?

Here is one of their promo videos. Its pretty funny.

And here was their invitation Video when they launched.

If nothing else, I'd say is a good alternative to Craigslist. I thinks it's a cool site and it seems to be growing pretty fast so I guess we will see where it goes. The web site, if you want to check it out, is

Thanks for reading and have fun Junkin'!


  1. Very nice Bill! Keep on doing what you are doing, it is much least this "Junkie" does!

  2. Great Site thanks for adding it Bill, easy to navigate.
    Sincerely, Brennan's Towing

  3. Awesome idea, Bill. Blogging is almost as fun as finding just what you need for the price you never thought you would find it!

